題目:New algorithm for sampling and denoising diffusion models
報告人:張希承 教授(北京理工大學)
時間:2024-12-26 上午10:00-11:00
地點:騰訊會議 172 671 751
題目:Quantitative results on time-dependent random conductance models with stable-like jumps
報告人:王健 教授(福建師範大學)
時間:2024-12-23 14:30-15:30
地點:騰訊會議(ID:253 831.653)
題目:Uniform-in-time estimates for mean-field type SDEs and applications
報告人:鮑建海 教授(天津大學)
時間:2024-12-23 15:30-16:30
地點:騰訊會議 876 710 571
題目:Singular integrals and the trapezoidal rule: when they meet together
報告人:賴俊 副教授(浙江大學)
時間:2024-12-18 15:00-17:00
題目:On the Boltzmann equation with soft potentials: Existence, uniqueness and sharp regularization effect
報告人:何淩冰 教授(清華大學)
時間:2024-12-13 14:00-15:00
題目:Exact convergence rates to derivatives of local time for some self-similar Gaussian processes
報告人:洪敏浩 講師(上海海事大學)
時間:2024-12-06 16:00-18:00
題目:Scattering and inverse scattering by random surfaces
時間:2024-12-04 16:30-18:00
題目:Harmonic Measures and Numerical Computation of Cauchy Problems for Laplace Equations
報告人:陳瑜 副教授(上海财經大學 )
時間:2024-11-21 9:00-11:00
題目:Mathematical analysis on hypersonic similarity
報告人:向偉 副教授(香港城市大學)
時間:2024-11-20 15:30-16;30
報告人:黃飛敏 研究員(中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院)
時間:2024-11-20 14:30-15:30
題目:A prediction-correction based iterative convolution-thresholding method for topology optimization of heat transfer probl
報告人:王東 助理教授((香港中文大學,深圳)
時間:2024-11-19 15:00-17:00
題目:A mixed finite volume finite element scheme for the compressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier system with non homogeneous bound
報告人:餘邦偉 教授(首都師範大學)
時間:2024-11-18 11:00-12:00
題目:Stationary statistical solutions to problems in the dynamics of compressible fluids
報告人::Eduard Feireisl 教授(捷克科學院)
時間:2024-11-18 10:00-11:00
題目:Fast minimization for curvature based regularization models based on bilinear decomposition
報告人:常慧賓 教授(天津師範大學)
時間:2024-11-15 15:30-17:30