報告人:唐三一 教授(陝西師範大學)
時間:2023-06-22 15:00-16:00
題目:Relations between Complexity Measures of Binary Sequences
報告人:陳智雄 教授(莆田學院)
時間:2023-06-20 15:30-16:30
題目:Spatiotemoral Imaging with Diffeomorphic Optimal Transportation
報告人:陳沖 副研究員(中科院數學與系統科學研究院)
時間:2023-06-20 14:00-15:30
題目:A Data-Assisted Two-Stage Method for the Inverse Random Source Problem
報告人:王玉亮 教授(北京師範大學)
時間:2023-06-16 9:00-10:30
題目:Inverse problems with passive measurements and applications
報告人:劉宏宇 教授(香港城市大學)
時間:2023-06-13 15:00-17:00
題目:Study on tiered trees
報告人:董峰明 教授(新加坡南洋理工大學)
時間:2023-06-11 9:30-11:00
題目:A Semismooth Newton-based Augmented Lagrangian Algorithm for Density Matrix Least Squares Problems
報告人:劉勇進 教授(福州大學)
時間:2023-06-09 10:00-11:00
題目:Applications of FEM with Macro-Elements: Discrete Elasticity Sequences and Convergence of Lagrange Elements for a Maxwel
報告人:龔思甯 (密歇根州立大學)
時間:2023-06-08 15:00-17:00
題目:Asymptotic behavior of distribution dependent SDEs driven by fractional Brownian motion
報告人:申廣君 教授(安徽師範大學)
時間:2023-06-07 3:30-4:30
題目:Stability and stabilization of large-scale distribution dependent SDEs
報告人:任永 教授(安徽師範大學)
時間:2023-06-07 2:30-3:30
報告人:崔景安 教授(北京建築大學)
時間:2023-06-05 14:00-15:00
題目:Critical bait casting threshold and disease transmission dynamics of fish in passive advective environments
報告人:原三領 教授(上海理工大學)
時間:2023-06-05 11:00-12:00
題目:Spatio-temporal dynamics of an age-space structured cholera model with bacterial hyperinfectivity and imperfect vaccinat
報告人:徐瑞 教授(山西大學)
時間:2023-06-05 10:00-11:00
題目:The multiscale modeling for predicting cancer evolution landscape
報告人:鄒秀芬 教授(武漢大學)
時間:2023-06-05 9:00-10:00